What do you know about BDSM? For starters, always remember that consent is sexy and a
necessary element to true BDSM play. All activities should be discussed and agreed upon by all
parties involved before engaging in BDSM play. Remember the motto "safe, sane, and
consensual" (SSC) or "risk-aware consensual kink" (RACK). Communicate openly about all
risks, boundaries, comfort levels, limitations, and safe words. Safety is key, and proper research
into proper BDSM methods and techniques should be done prior to getting involved in any
BDSM activities.

Wholesale BDSM

The B in BDSM stands for “Bondage”. This part can involve ropes and restraints to keep personal movements a minimum for erotic purposes. The D stands for“Discipline”. This means using verbal, physical, or psychological commands to enforce rules with consequences and involves a relationship based on consenting dominance and submission. The S stands for “Sadism”. This is the act of gaining erotic pleasure from the infliction of pain or discomfort on other people. The M stands for “Masochism”.This is when you enjoy having pain or humiliation being inflicted upon you. BDSM covers a variety of erotic practices, kinks, and fetishes and Sexy Living has all the tools you need, whether you’re an expert or just getting started.

BDSM Collar

Sexy Living has items for BDSM play, such as ropes, restraints, gags, tethers, whips, paddles, candles, ticklers, and more. We also carry books that can aid you in learning BDSM techniques, such as Shibari rope tying, making your own fetish wear and tools at home, proper methods and techniques for common BDSM scenarios, role-playing, and more. We have products from brands that are well respected in the BDSM community and are expertly made to withstand even the most punishing of routines. Your customers will greatly benefit from our collection of BDSM gear that is made with playing rough in mind. And don’t forget the aftercare!